MX Convention Center
How can we bring more cohesion to a massive, multifaceted convention center?
Manila, Philippines
Completed 2016

CAZA was tasked with renovating all of the public interior spaces throughout the MX Convention Center in Pasay, Philippines—the country’s largest private conventions venue, and which has played host to world leaders such as Barack Obama and Shinzo Abe.

The Center is a massive 16,060 square-meter complex with a network of interconnected rooms that host a variety of events and gatherings. CAZA’s overall objective was to improve visual coherency and help visitors navigate the building more easily through a carefully crafted system of design decisions.

Color was employed to direct visitors both vertically and horizontally, to parking garages and upper-level meeting halls, while also helping punctuate the entrances for the many different conference rooms. CAZA developed an iconic logo of overlaid lines that help direct visitors throughout each floor, and became a motif for the furniture and human-scale design elements throughout the Center.

- PROJECT TEAM: Carlos Arnaiz, Minkyung Song