Hue Hotel
How can architecture embrace the spirit of a place?
Boracay, Philippines
Completed 2017

The design for Hue Hotel rethinks what tropical architecture can be in the 21st century. Embracing the lush climate but drawing attention inward, the bulbous design arrays a stack of interlocking rings that produce a procession of social spaces across terraces, roof gardens, and hotel amenities. Guests move between the shared communal spaces in the central enclosure to a collection of bespoke private rooms along the upper reaches of the building.

Social spaces and gathering areas are integrated into the interlocking ring structures. The interiors create dramatic and unexpected effects with local materials, offering elevated environments that feel rooted in their place.

- SIZE: 159,327.4 SQF
- PROJECT TEAM: Carlos Arnaiz, Laura del Pino, Shelby Ponce, Tzu-Yin Wang, Yvonne Demitra Konstantinidis, Alex Tseng
- ARCHITECT OF RECORD: NSI Architecture Planner Consultancy
- CLIENT: Luana Hotels
- CONSULTANTS: Sean Bryner Rey